One very common problem that we provide help with is erectile dysfunction (ED). Also known as ‘male impotence’, it is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. More prominent that many would assume, it affects roughly four in ten men over the age of 40, and it is estimated that approximately 49% of men aged 70 are suffering with varying degrees of ED.
There are numerous causes that can all contribute in some way to a male slowly beginning to develop symptoms of ED. These include physical causes/diseases such as obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and hormonal problems such as an underactive thyroid. In addition there are psychological impacts that can lead to ED and these include relationship problems, depression, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety and even the fear of sex or ‘sexual failure’; particularly common in new relationships when the couple have yet to have sexual intercourse.
So what are the treatments and prevention methods for men with ED? If you have the condition, your GP can analyse your lifestyle choices and risk factors for erection-hindering health issues such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, and refer you to a screening for these. Your doctor may also ask questions about your home and working life, relationships etc. to determine what psychological factors may be causing the ED, and could even offer sexual counselling for those who could find the therapy advantageous. Speaking to a psychologist or counsellor may help to reduce your stress and worries, fully getting to the root of your problems so you can tackle them head-on.
There are also simple lifestyle alterations that you can make which can all help to decrease the chance of you experiencing erectile dysfunction. For example, quitting smoking is a major beneficial thing to consider doing as soon as possible as smoking impairs the arteries, resulting in a restriction of blood supply to the penis. Starting a regular exercise regime could work wonders and this will promote better cardiovascular health and get blood pumping around the body more efficiently. Moderating your level of alcohol consumption is also a definite must in regards to better erections. Not only does drinking alcohol cause the short-term problem commonly referred to as ‘brewer’s droop’, it is believed that prolonged alcohol abuse can contribute to irreversible sexual dysfunction for men in the long-term too due to its destructive nature on the nervous system.
For a lot of men suffering with impotence, the most standard and effective form of treatment remains with the popular medications Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Since the ground-breaking Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the Pfizer-manufactured Viagra in 1998 for the treatment of ED, sales of the medication sky-rocketed to astronomical levels and in 2008 its annual sales peaked at an enormous US$1,934 million. Five years after Viagra’s FDA approval, tadalafil (sold as Eli Lilly’s Cialis) and vardenafil (sold as Bayer’s Levitra) were both given the green light for commercial sale and have since taken a substantial slice of Pfizer’s market share.
The US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has released a new erectile dysfunction drug called Viagra Chewable or Viagra Jet. It comes out as an alternative to regular Viagra tablets for those men who find it difficult to swallow Viagra tablets with water. Unfortunately though, if you are looking to buy Viagra Chewable online, they are not available in the UK as yet, but hopefully Medical Specialists Pharmacy will be one of the first Online Pharmacies in the UK to know when it does, so watch this space!
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