Promescent is the name for the spray which is being referred to as an ‘anti-Viagra’ and as a miracle cure for PE; a condition that can cause deep emotional distress for the male, yet is often ignored in comparison to erectile dysfunction whereby there are a vast array of treatment options such as Viagra, Cialis, Cialis Daily, Levitra, and more.
Absorption Pharmaceuticals are the brains behind the revolutionary topical PE spray, applied to the under-shaft of the penis just 10 minutes prior to sex and will also not transfer to the sexual partner’s vagina if it is washed off, according to Absorption, who give detail on their website what makes Promescent stand out from the crowd.
They say: “Promescent’s absorption technology, in conjunction with the metered-dose spray bottle, enables men to deliver a specific and reproducible amount of lidocaine through the stratum corneum of the penile skin to the dermis and control ejaculation latency. Promescent allows men to easily manage penile sensitivity in order to maintain optimum sexual satisfaction…”
As mentioned above, Promescent contains lidocaine; a topical anaesthesia and this is the same active ingredient as another hugely popular PE spray that is already available in the UK – Stud 100.
Depending on the dose and penis sensitivity, Promescent can last from anywhere ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This should undoubtedly leave both man and woman very satisfied indeed.
The International Society for Sexual Medicine state that PE happens when a man reaches his peak and releases semen soon after penetration. This could be within a minute, but for some men it could be as soon as 15 seconds. For those with a skewed idea of what constitutes ‘premature’ due to a misleading concept of sex from the pornographic industry, it is worth bearing in mind that the average ejaculation time is between an estimated 4 to 8 minutes.
Dr. Ron Gilbert, leader of the research team that developed the spray, commented in an interview that the amount of spray used is quite variable. “One of the nice things about the medication is the dosage can be changed easily,” he said.
“With Promescent the FDA has approved 3 to 10 sprays so you’re able to very, very subtly change the effect, because if four sprays isn’t perfect you can go up to five or six. We hear from patients where this product has brought them from a situation where the bedroom is a place where there’s all this anxiety and disappointment – to where they feel really empowered.”
Jeff Abraham, CEO of Absorption Pharmaceuticals, speaking to CNBC, said: “How can these billion dollar companies in the ED space not come up with a product?”
Mr Abraham recently rejected a $30 million offer for his company on the belief that the market for premature ejaculation treatments could eclipse that of the one for erectile dysfunction treatments – meaning Absorption will be worth a whole lot more than $30 million!
If you are one of the many millions of men around the world who are having premature ejaculation problems, Medical Specialists Pharmacy are able to prescribe Priligy to suitable patients following an online consultation with one of our doctors. Priligy is an oral tablet taken prior to the sexual activity and acts quickly within 60 minutes, only taken when you need it. In addition, we offer Stud 100 spray, obtainable from our chemist shop. Stud 100 delays ejaculation by reducing the sensitivity of the penis, significantly prolonging intercourse and providing greater satisfaction for both partners.
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