Wednesday 11 March 2009

HEALTHYGOSSIP - The start of a specialized health related new social news website

Web 2.0 is really amazing. It is so because it brought a totally new idea of collaboration on the world wide web. It is the social web era and more and more social book marking and social media web sites equiped with latest technologies are coming up. Now the focus is on specialized social media web sites.

Why bother with a social media web site where you cannot even find what you are actually interested in. The launch of Healthygossip has opened a new door of opportunities on the people interested in health related web sites. Its interface is simple and elegant and it doesn't confuse you with loads of clutter here and there. Registration is really simple and easy and you can start posting news stories straight after registration. and most importantly, the Healthygossip web site is DO FOLLOW !!! - So what you guys are thinking about? Just visit Healthygossip and see how we all can promote healthy websites through collaboration and supporting each other.


  1. It seems like a nice idea, but I have to admit that I'm feeling really jaded lately about all the social networking and bookmarking sites popping up. There are so many that I don't even check them all anymore... I'll give it a shot though.

  2. You are quite right when you point out the unlimited amount of social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking sites have really brought great benifits to us but it is now so difficult to remember all the websites you are a member. I will visit Healthygossip to see if it is any good. Its not too bad if we get only health related news on a specialized web site.

  3. I don't know who will actually bother reading those health news? however gossip is good idea so you might be interested in knowing if david beckham is using any food supplements etc?

  4. Awesome, it's about time the social sites start focusing on health because as we all know "health is wealth"
    Asthma Health

  5. Sounds like an interesting site. I will definatly head over and check it out. Thanks for the link.

  6. It is a nice and clean web site, I have just visited and really like it.

  7. Thanks for sharing.. Very helpful for my blogs

  8. This seems like an nice site, I just hope all the info is accurate and helpful.

  9. I will say that there are a lot of these social networking sites. But I do agree its better to have one that is specific to what you are looking for. Makes it easier to find things. Thanks for the post!

  10. I love the idea. Social sites should do more than just gossip about nothing important. But with, we are truly going to see something more useful than lots of the other social sites out there. Thanks for sharing this important information.

  11. I would say that 2008 had seen a boom of social media web sites and this trend of social web sites is going to go long way. There are vast opportunities for everyone on a social web site. Do you know many businesses are creating their business pages on the facebook now and a lot of professionals can be caught on linkedin and twitter. So thts a good news that we have another social media web site with a special focus on health.

  12. So they'll be pretty much competing with healthranker. I am not sure if there is enough people sufficiently passionate about the subject to support 2 health niche social sites.

  13. There are more health niche social sites as well however it is quite important to see if a health news web site can keep itself to health news and not a place for self promotions and spam.

  14. @ MSC UK

    well said. I have seen a couple of health related web sites and found weird stuff on them. Things related to health not at all. No one would like to see ads about loans, estate agents, medical equipment etc on a health news web site.

  15. Well, I hope that Healthygossip won't end up like other sites--swamped with spams. This issue would easily be resolved by a consistent moderator though. I'll be checking it out. Thanks for the info.

  16. I kind of agree with Lilo that there are so many that I feel overwhelmed and end up checking none at all.

    But I like the idea, see where it takes you, I'll keep coming back to this blog, thanks!

  17. I've found that niche social media sites like Dissect Medicine don't have very high traffic, plus they have a real high ratio of spam to readable content. I would rather follow news on Digg or Reditt's science section.

  18. Count with me, the idea is really great!

  19. All the best "Healthy Gossip"!
    Thank you for posting!

  20. I was a bit scepticle at first, but I have been and viewed and I liked it. It's a bit new, so it should be much better when alot more people have been and 'gossiped'

  21. @Anonymous

    Yea pretty true. It just takes time to build communities and hopefully the idea of health news site will bring together many people with interest in the health news.

  22. I'm a bit skeptical about these kind of things. I think these kinds of things need support from health organisations to gain credibility.

  23. All this web 2.0 social media stuff goes above my head but I shall certainly check it out. From first looks, it looks easy and inviting which is just what I need.

  24. Yes there are lot of such websites but I found Healthygossip a good one.There are lot of fresh information and the site is real clean and nice.

  25. web 2.0 is a revolution its a amazing platform where we can interact around the glob

  26. I enjoy this site as well, it is tasteful and informative.

  27. Social bookmarking sites are great - and even better are niche bookmarkers so we can avoid clicking through hundreds of boring links to find one interesting one. Good job!

  28. I think having a niche site for health is a great idea - its easier to find things if you are looking at a niche, topic related site - i'm off to look now!

  29. The rise of social media is not only changing the relationship between information and audience, it is also affecting the traditional marketing and SEO practices. Social media offers insights and understanding never before achievable. Good luck to healthy gossip.

  30. Nice share, Its good to see one of these focused in the health niche and dofollow.. :)

  31. I will refer everyone I know. I didn't even need training. Thanks guys, keep up the good work!

  32. Nice site i will try and visit and add some health storys.

  33. This is a great idea and it could become a very powerful tool. I have plenty of health issues to address lol!

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  35. LOL I sure have health issues to address too! :) Thanks for the tip.

  36. it is also affecting the traditional marketing and SEO practices. Social media offers insights and understanding never before achievable.

  37. Will most definitely visit HEALTHYGOSSIP.

    Thanks for the tip.

  38. Keep it up the good going. Really very great blog this has given me all the information that i needed, thanks for giving such cleared idea it could become a very powerful tool.

  39. Sounds like a pretty interesting website and idea. Its one of those ideas that has you saying, Why didn't I think of that! I am anxious to try it out. Thanks!
