Wednesday 29 April 2009

Over the counter slimming pill Alli - Does it really work?

The newly launched over the counter diet pill Alli (weight loss pill available without prescription) is becoming extremely popular among obese and over-weight people. Alli by GSK was recently launched as the first over-the-counter weight loss pill to be available in pharmacies across the UK and Europe.

Alli has previously been available on prescription for some time but the Government has decided it should be more accessible to the public. According to the claims made by GSK, the manufacturers of Alli, Alli helps dieters lose 50 per cent more weight than through willpower alone, by preventing the body absorbing fat. GSK also stresses that it is not a 'magic' pill and is designed to enhance, rather than replace, the effects of diet and exercise.

The drug, which actually is a half-strength version of the prescription-only diet pill Xenical, is only available to those with a body mass index of 28 and over after a consultation with the pharmacist has taken place. If you are looking at buying Alli over the counter, be ready to be weighed and measured at your pharmacy if do not know your BMI (Body Mass Index). Alli is not available to under 18s. A monthly course of Alli costs around £50.

So is Alli really worth trying? Are there anyother weight loss pills better than Alli - Read complete story here:


  1. Well, let us wait for feedbacks about that drug. thanks for sharing.

  2. I'd be a little worried about taking a pill that causes sudden weight loss which might lead to a drug addiction, at least mentally.

  3. No drug is ever going to work if you do not make serious life style changes. Eating simple and healthy, having regular exercise means, less fuss and disappoint in your life.

  4. Yes I agree with Andrew and John.Eating simple and nutritious food and exercising are the best way to get rid of body fat.


  5. I used to be very overweight and I overcame it through changing my lifestyle, improving my eating habits and making exercise (both jogging and weight training) a regular and consistent part of my life. I am a firm believer that there are NO SHORTCUTS to overcoming obesity. Anybody taking pills should first have to show their doctor that they have consistently tried running for an hour 4 times a week for 3 months while eating a reasonable diet. Nobody who does that will have poor results. People resorting to pills are looking for someone else to solve their problems so they don't have to change their poor habits. That's my opinion as a formerly obese man.

  6. Exercise and balance menu for eat is the best way to lose weight

  7. All the slimming pills and drugs will have their own side effects.... It is better to stick on to proper diet and exercise to feel a good improvement..

  8. Well i have bought my first batch for a month and i will see how it goes. I must admit it is making me eat more healthy its given me a kick start and i really enjoy being on them. The side effect are true but I now stay clear of all the bad food if i didnt then yes you would have leakage at the back end! So far its been a week and I feel better. I am a woman who used to be addicted to the gym for 15 years., 7 hours a week and no great weight loss happened. Im 2 stone over weight. I will keep you all posted.

  9. @ Emma

    Thank you so much for your comments. Indeed it is really good to know that you are meeting your weight loss goals. Let us know when you finish the course. It would be interesting to know about it.

  10. Comon, a pill that basically makes you get diarea (sry for misspelling :P) how can that be any good? :)

  11. Yes the side effects are very horrible specially the oily yellow stuff coming out of your backside without any advance warning. Your body also needs some useful fats which are also carried away with the yellow stuff. The pill makes you eat healthy to avoid side effects, so why not eat healthy without sticking a pill into your stomach that makes you go to the loo all the time???

  12. I would have to be seerrioooussly obese before I thought about trying something like this.

  13. I think i would prefer to take Xenical or Reductil if i was going to take slimming tablets.

  14. I am always very skeptical of pills like these. Especially because there have been so many problems with weight loss drugs in the past.

  15. Yeah !
    All the slimming pills and drug will have their own side effect.........its better to stick on to proper diet and exercise to feel a good improvement .

  16. I think everyone needs to understand diet pills don't fix the problem of bad eating and not exercising. They are dangerous. And I heard that the label on these pills says you may experience butt leaking!!

  17. Diet Pills never work, and if they do, they give you enough reasons to have more pills! So, just take a walk or go running instead!

  18. Exercise and balance menu for eat is the best way to lose weight

  19. "Exercise and balance menu for eat is the best way to lose weight"

    I agree..

  20. There are tons of weight loss pills now that it's super popular.
    Can't suggest any pill though, prefer the old fashion way of losing weight.

  21. Yes I agree with Andrew, John and Neo.I have also heard that this type of medicines which claim to reduce your body fat or those medicines which claims to make you gain weight contains steroids or harmful chemicals which have serious side effects.

  22. It seems that the best weight lost pills can also do the most harm.

  23. The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise.
    Pills may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly.

  24. Definitely slimming pills give side affects if not today after long time. Always chose the natural way to loose weight (Yoga/ exercise etc.)

  25. Great post! I agree with you that i have also heard this type of medcine .which claim to gain weight.

  26. A lot of the pills on the market for weight loss haven't been tested thoroughly enough. Like the problems recently with Hydroxycut causing liver/kidney issues.

  27. Thats right, a little patience and persistence goes a long way. Its about making a lifestyle change, not taking magic pills.

  28. Many people overlook the importance of mental attitude and subconscious habits when hoping to lose weight and wonder why the "pill" doesnt work.

  29. These health suppliments and sliming pills works but Its better to get a fit body naturally by eating healthy food and daily exercise.

  30. Nice article, Definitely slimming pills give side affects if not today after long time. Always chose the natural way to loose weight (Yoga/ exercise etc.)

  31. It's just a weaker dose of a prescription medicine. However, even the prescription dosing will only have a modest effect on your weight. It won't allow people to eat what they like and still lose weight.

  32. i think used pills can give side effects for your health.I like used natural way.

  33. what can I say ... great blog and great posting. O agree wiht all the thought on it, and would like to know a little bit more about this. Let us know in near future.

  34. Balance diet, excersise and lots of water is best tip for lossing weight.

  35. Stay away from Alli. I'm hearing a lot of side effects from people using it. This is not the magic pill in a bottle.

  36. Sounds intriguing, but I'm looking forward to see some reviwes and studies conducted by the FDA before I jump on board. For every diet pill that works there are thousands of ephedra and hydroxicut pills that don't work.

  37. it has got more response than expected.Cheers

  38. Yeah really it getting very p[opular among the over weight persons recently my friend who is a fat guy is using it but i will show your post to him for more reference about it!

  39. This pill is something we all have been waiting for, but I think we should wait to see if it is causing harmful effects to the body or is it safe.

  40. It will be interesting to see the effects of this pill.

  41. We have a lot of supplements available over the counter but it is not safe to use them without the advise of a physician.

  42. Nice information. Really helpful for the ones who wants to reduce weight in shortcut method.

  43. Agree that the new age over the counter weight loss pills works but they are having side effects more harmful than losing your weight . so not sure if they are good to be tried without prescription.

  44. Myself I become concerned with weightloss pills as they seem to come and go very fast as I believe they have not found a completely safe medicine for losing weight. The side effects of this pill sound horrible.

  45. great post this is shortcut but i dont believe in shortcuts every medicine has side effects so i believe the natural ways like you can lose your weight by exercise ,by taking balance diet , by running by jogging you can easily burn your fat and stay slim ....

  46. Interesting pills work for some people, but definately not for everybody. Most people wind up regaining most, if not all or more of their excess weight. Would definately consider other options for long term weight loss.

  47. It is interesting to see the effects of this pill on human body in positive or negative way.

  48. Dieters lose 50 per cent more weight than through willpower alone, by preventing the body absorbing fat. GSK also stresses that it is not a 'magic' pill while designed to enhance, rather than replace, the effects of diet and exercise.

  49. It is interesting to see the effects of this pill on human body in negative way.people are getting more problem of body allergy.

  50. GSK also stresses that it is not a 'magic' pill and is designed to enhance, rather than replace, the effects of diet and exercise which is quite good thing to share in the blog.

  51. Many people who lose weight through going on a diet or diet pills are successful - they lose their targeted weight but find themselves regaining that weight in the near future.

    The problems lies in these methods due to the person falling back into their old habits which created their weight problems in the first place.

    Generally, the easier or faster the method of weight loss, the less those results will last. In order for real (sustainable) weight loss to occur, lifestyle changes must be made.

  52. The Government has decided it should be more accessible to the public which is quite good to share out in the blog.

  53. According to the claims made by GSK,the manufacturers of Alli,also it helps dieters lose 50 per cent more weight than through willpower alone,by preventing the body absorbing fat which is best to share in the blog.
