Monday 7 June 2010

Male pattern Baldness

What is male hair loss
Hair loss can affect anyone at any age but is most common in men from 18 – 35. It is caused by male sex hormones called androgens & is usually passed from the parent to the child.

What causes male hair loss?
The male sex hormones (androgens) that are passed through the blood cause male hair loss; they create hair follicles which hair grows from.

When men are sensitive to androgens the hair follicles start to shrink and eventually they become so small hairs are unable to grow from them.

Can male hair loss be prevented?
Male hair loss is very hard to prevent and can only be combated with treatment or surgery from the first signs of balding.

How is male hair loss treated?
Treatments for hair loss are few and far between ranging from expensive f.u.e hair transplants to the commonly used Propecia.

Hair transplants can give an immediate to the person who has one as long as there is enough hair from which the transplant can be taken.

Buy Propecia is an oral medication which is taken daily and has also been proven to stop hair loss & even grow back lost hair.


  1. How much hair loss a day is considered normal? I swear lately I see more hair at the bottom of the shower.

  2. So many people suffering from this hair loss problem. But you can get rid of this problem by taking some energetic food and yoga.

  3. Male hair loss is very hard to prevent, I have lost all my har.

  4. Are there any side effects from using propecia, I've read some bad experience of people using it in some forums, and it also said that it contains steroid, is this true?

  5. hmm i'll show this post to my dad, i think he needs to buy propecia ;)

  6. I haven't really known men who has experienced hair loss at this age that you mentioned. Only when they reach 50 and above. Is Propecia applicable to women too? Just curious.

  7. You have made me understand why I myself have already hair loss even at my young age. Now I know that it is caused by male sex hormones called androgens & is usually passed from the parent to the child. This post provide me an idea what to do. Indeed this day is a right timing for me because I surf the Internet .

  8. What should one do to combat hair loss and prevent further damage?

  9. Hemmmm, i just know about it. nice posting

  10. Will you be able to provide what types of hair weaving treatments are the most effective for men.

  11. Generally the human head has 100,000 strands of hair, so daily normal hair loss for most people will be between 40 and 100.
