Thursday 13 May 2010

Chicory acts like Viagra to Rams

Farmers have been told to feed chicory to their rams - because it makes them more sexual active.

The salad boosts the animals' sex drives and fertility, meaning they can mate with over double the number of ewes every year.
At a farmers conference in Dumfries was yesterday told chicory acts like Viagra UK.

Now the Scottish Agricultural College is to investigate the plant's properties. The college's John Vipond told the conference: "Because of the ongoing sale demand for rams to be at their maximum size you find that rams are not the sexual athletes they should be.

"Instead they are something of couch potatoes, only able to service 40 ewes a year when we should be looking to them to service at least 100.
"Chicory is one of the ways of getting round the problem."
A study into the plant at Lilburn Estate at Alnwick, Northumberland, discovered the connection between chicory, which was imported from New Zealand and sexual performance.


  1. Heh... That's why my wife always adds chicory to every meal.

  2. Maybe I will try the chickory smoke chips on the BBQ next time out!!

  3. I can see the commercial. Two rams walking down a beach tail in tail. The next time opportunity knocks you'll be ready...

  4. Hi! I like this information because chickory is really new for me.I don't listen about this kind of benefits of chickory so I must follow and replay you.Thanks for sharing this with us.
