Wednesday 5 May 2010

Canadian Pharmacy spammers live on twitter

According to Canadian Pharmacy spammers has set up an account on Twitter, staying online for weeks despite complaints from a leading security firm.

The Twitter account @canadianshop features nothing beyond links to unlicensed sites selling Viagra and other prescription medicines - just the sort of thing that would normally bring down a ban-hammer in short order. Yet despite repeated complaints by IT security firm Sophos for more than a week nothing has been done.

The account has been live on Twitter for the last month. In contrast to the site's prolonged inaction, URL shortening service has blocked most (though not all) of @canadianshop's custom links. "When shuts one down, the bad guys can just create another one," a Sophos spokesman explained.

Many accounts on Twitter push out spamvertised links but @canadianshop is unusually obvious about it. "It has Canadian pharmacy wallpaper and explicit tweets saying what it's selling," the spokesman said.

"This isn't someone linking to something that pretends to be saucy content and then takes you to an online drugs store. Nor is it accounts that have been hacked and are spamming out pharma links. This is blatant promotion of pharmacy sites that are normally advertised via email spam, in order to sell Viagra UK.


  1. I have had the good fortune to not yet encounter the Canadian pharmacy Twitter spammers.

    That said, one disturbing trend I have noticed is the prevalence of what appears to be the spam of Russian-based online pharmacies dominating the Google blog search for health-related search terms. I just ran a half-dozen or so searches and the top-20 results of the blog search consisted of about 50% drug-peddler spam.

    Have you observed this or anything similar of late?

  2. I'm a dentist and I'm not much familiar with internet but I HATE SPAMMERS! Lets wish for a world without spams and spammers!

  3. Actually I was not aware of these spammers. Thanks for providing this information about this Canadian spammers.
