Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A scientist who helped to develop Viagra now creates a spray for premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation in men is the ability to last during sex for a time period deemed ‘satisfactory’ for either partner. However, fully defining the phrase has long been difficult for many people.  What one couple deem satisfactory may be unsatisfactory to another couple. This condition of ‘coming too soon’ is particularly common in younger males who are sexually inexperienced or men who are with a new sexual partner, where the excitement and thrill could get the better of them.

If ejaculation happens sooner than what the man would like, and before the woman herself has ‘climaxed’, then this often leads to frustration and performance anxiety. This can carry over into the next time the man has sex, again resulting in a similar situation happening, effecting the man’s confidence further. Sex therapists will usually suggest various tips and tricks such as the squeeze technique, and various breathing exercises, or even stopping and starting during foreplay. However, many men can find these things futile and a lot will turn to medication such as Priligy, which is currently the only proven oral treatment available and can prolong a man’s sexual performance by a massive 200-300%. In addition there are anaesthetic delay sprays such as Stud 100 which work by reducing sensitivity of the penis.

It has now been announced that another spray will soon hit the market, designed to help premature ejaculation in men. The new spray will be called ‘Tempe’ and has been conjured up by Dr Mike Wyllie, who was one of the team of scientists who were responsible for the development of Viagra, back in the late 1990s. Viagra is a highly effective and widely used prescription medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men and in the year 2000 (2 years after its introduction), it accounted for 92% of the worldwide sales of prescription medication for impotence. Since then, it has seen its market share cut thanks to the subsequent introduction of Bayer’s Levitra and Eli Lilly’s Cialis.

The new spray-on medication has been labelled by Dr Wyllie as his ‘new Viagra’ and has been created by British biotech firm Plethora Solutions, where Dr Wyllie is currently the chief scientific officer.  The drug is believed to triple a man’s ‘staying power’, however whilst using Tempe within trials, some men who used the spray prior to sex reportedly managed to have sex for up to eight times longer. Tempe apparently comes into effect after just five minutes, but can also be sprayed on a few hours prior to sex if the man wishes to keep his new-found staying power a secret from his partner.

Just how beneficial Tempe is for men suffering from premature ejaculation remains to be seen though, with no definite release date set for the drug. Plethora hope to have it on sale this year though and possibly inexpensive enough to be available via an NHS prescription. In the mean-time, why not try medications and products that are already available now such as Priligy, or Stud 100 spray, obtainable from our chemist shop.

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