Wednesday 21 December 2011

Christmas brings warnings for asthma and allergy sufferers

As the festive period is upon us, an expert allergist at the Gottlieb Memorial Hospital in Maywood, Ill, has issued a warning which could dampen the moods of many. Fresh Christmas trees, plants, air fresheners, perfumes, dust and nuts may trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions according to Dr. Joseph Leija.
Dr. Leija has warned that there is a good chance of a trigger being created through things such as:  the dust on old boxes of decorations that have been stored away for probably almost a year, fresh Christmas trees, and the popular holiday houseplant the Poinsetta, which has become almost as widely known at Christmas as holly and ivy.

The allergist commented in a Loyola University Health System news release: “The dust from the boxes and on the decorations that have been packed away in dank basements or dusty attics is triggering reactions in my allergy and asthma patients”. He further went on to suggest methods of avoiding such problems. For instance he advised avoiding scented candles and oils, choosing an artificial tree as apposed to a real and fresh one, staying clear of fresh plants and flowers, be careful with the humidifier and keeping humidity to no more than 48 to 50 percent, and finally to store all decorations in plastic bins to help keep them dust-free.

If you are worried about Dr. Leija’s warnings, why not be prepared and help beat the Christmas blues. At Medical Specialists we offer a wide range of medications to help asthma and allergy sufferers, all at great prices. If you are suffering from asthma like symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately for a diagnosis. Your doctor is able to prescribe medication if he feels you have asthma. If you have already been prescribed an inhaler or have lost your inhaler or run out and cannot get a prescription immediately, we are able to supply you an inhaler to help your asthma symptoms. We now offer both blue (relievers) inhalers such as Ventolin and Salbutamol, and brown (preventers) inhalers such as Qvar Beclomethasone, Qvar Easi-Breathe, and Pulvinal Beclomethasone. If you suffer from hay fever or allergies we offer Loratadine tablets and Nasonex spray. Both of the aforementioned are available without the need for a prescription.


  1. Hi medical-specialists! I suffer from asthma and it really gets worst every December and the reason is the fire works that are always lit to welcome Christmas. I am from the Philippines and lighting up fireworks starting December is part of our culture. I agree with your post and this is more true when you live in the Philippines. Happy New year and more power to

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