Wednesday 1 October 2008

Improve your diet for a healthier you

Living a healthy lifestyle generally means eating a balanced diet, participating in a moderate exercise program, limiting alcohol consumption, not smoking and maintaining a normal weight. It may sound daunting to most people who are limited by job and family commitments, time constraints or simply lack of initiative. Making sure your body is in good health does not mean you must be a slave to food and exercise. Small changes in lifestyle can have a big impact.
Eating right does not have to be a chore. Simple changes you can make while on your next visit to the grocery store can get you on the right path to eating better. Small substitutions like eating more fruit and veggies and eating less refined and processed foods over time saves calories and increases nutrient content. Don't force yourself to shelve your entire way of eating and start with something restrictive. Feeling deprived leads to failure. Go slow and enjoy each new item you add to the menu.

Exercise does not have to be a dirty word. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, start slow and increase your activity level as you reach small goals you set for yourself. It may be just using the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Over time, you might decide to walk for part of your lunch break. Eventually you may want to join a fitness center to increase your progress. Go at a pace you are comfortable with and enjoy.

If you smoke, consider a smoking cessation program. There are medications in pill, patch and gum form that can assist you in stopping. Talking to a counselor or adopting a quit-smoking buddy has been shown to help smokers quit smoking at higher rate than trying to go it alone. Side effects of smoking include rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath and more serious problems like cancer, emphysema and heart disease can eventually develop.

Drinking alcohol in moderation has actually been shown to benefit the cardiovascular system. However, consuming more than a glass or two a day can cause liver damage. The liver acts as a giant filter system of the body. When the filter is clogged, the body does not function properly. Jaundice, gallstones, blood clotting difficulties, organ failure and death can result when the liver is compromised.

Knowing your body mass index (BMI) can help you calculate what a healthy weight is for your body type. You can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight by the square of your height or go online and use a BMI calculating tool. Regulating your diet and adding health fitness weekly can help stabilize your weight.

So you've let yourself go. You don't feel fit. You lack energy. Serious health issues may run in your family. What to do? It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Integrate more healthful food choices into your diet. Add health fitness to your routine. Quit smoking and have a glass of red wine with dinner. Eating better and increasing your activity level helps you maintain a normal weight. Each little change gets you closer to the lifestyle goals you set for yourself.

Mike Selvon owns a number of niche portal. Please visit our portal for more great information on a healthy diet, and leave a comment at our pacemaster treadmill blog.


  1. A good diet is the key to good health.. The problem is lazyness and poor education & about food & health from the parents.

  2. I agree good health needs to start somewhere. Live a healthy life style, eat healthy food and do exercises is the key.

  3. Yeh, agreed with the content of the article..A balanced diet is very useful to remain healthy.

    Very Useful Article

  4. A healthier diet combined with some exercise is an integral part of maintaining good health and at the same time will boost energy levels.

  5. Great article. People think about changing their life and it sounds like this huge overwhelming task, but really it isn't. You just have to change some habits and start taking action. You don't have to do everything at once, just get the ball rolling and you'll probably ENJOY your new health and improving other things will be FUN. People are scared to give up chocolate but once they realize that apples and grapes are just as good, they won't want it as much.

  6. Wonderful article, i have been following some of the tips which you have mentioned too. i’m seeing fantastic results. keep up your good work

  7. Well, first we should focus just on food. Personally, to start, eat less, make your food portions smaller and begin drinking more water. Then, start cutting out junk food and replacing it with more fruits and veggies. This doesn't have to be all at once, just do it slow so you can get used to it. Then, after maybe a couple of weeks, start exercising a little, and increase the amount of exercise until you're doing about 40 minutes three or four days a week. Gradual, baby steps is the key. If you try to do this all at once, you might find it overwhelming and give up.

  8. Hi! Its one of the nice informations on healthy diets and also give me a lot of knowledge on fresh vegetables.This is one of the superb post which is very useful.Keep up post continue and stay tune with us.Thanks.........

  9. It is never too late to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Integrate more healthful food choices into your diet. Add health fitness to your routine. Quit smoking and have a glass of red wine with dinner. Eating better and increasing your activity level helps you maintain a normal weight.

  10. Agreed eating a well balanced diet and exercise is always great advice but the often overlooked issue is the mind. What pictures do you hold of yourself within your mind?

  11. Proper balance diet is very important and a key to be heathy. To be a health concious is not bad actually we need to have an attitude like that for our own sake.

  12. Good advice re: changing your food shopping habits. Food has been processed and made into a drug by food manufacturers. They add just the right amounts of salt, fat, and sugar to make our tastebuds sing and make us crave more. The only way to avoid the addiction is to stop buying processed foods. Fresh, organic, and locally grown if's so much more nutritious and delicious. In fact it's much richer than processed food too, so you're satisfied with less! Learn more at

  13. Diet can be very effective for healthy living..We should take fresh and fibre rich fruits and green veggies which are rich in nutrients and minerals..and do short exercises like push ups, walking,rope jumping..etc...
